Wylie High School Athletics

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Facility Use Requests

The District shall permit non-school use of designated District facilities for educational, recreational, civic, or social activities do not conflict with school use or policy.

Academic and extracurricular activities sponsored by the District shall always have priority when any use is scheduled. The principal shall have authority to cancel a scheduled non-school use if an unexpected conflict arises with a District activity. 

Requests for non-school use of District facilities shall be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Please use the form provided at the link to request use of any facilities in Wylie ISD.

Click here for Link to Facility Use Request Form

Scheduling Guidelines

Weekend Practices are NOT available. 
Gyms will not be open on the weekends except for facility rental or the scheduling of open gyms by the coaching staff. 
Gyms are for team use only.

High School

Athletic facilities are not generally available to the public. Any scheduling must have prior approval from Coach Martin, and must have WHS supervision at all times. 

Dog House

1. Individuals taking lessons from private coaches are not allowed. 

2. Team practices are not allowed (as stated on the WISD website):  "Because team practices involve larger groups that take up entire areas (such as the basketball court or the turf field), they are specifically excluded from Doghouse use."

3. The Doghouse is not available for rent, birthday parties, etc.

Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor practice areas are not assigned and are on a first come, first serve basis. Teams can practice on any outdoor grass area, at any campus, except for the High School and Junior High campuses. Wylie Baseball and Softball leagues schedule practice times for the backstops on the lower grade campuses. 

Junior High - Gym use is for teams only.

School year only  - no summer use. 

Each team may only schedule two practices per week

Available times (M-F): 6:00-7:00PM; 7:30-9:00PM

West Campus - Building 1 Gym; Building 2 Main Gym; Building 2 Auxiliary Gym

East Campus - Main Gym, Auxiliary Gym

Intermediate - Gym use is for teams only. 

School year only - no summer use. 

Each team may only schedule two practices per week

Available times (M-F): 6:00-7:00PM; 7:30-9:00PM

West Campus - Basketball only, no volleyball equipment. 

East Campus - Basketball only, no volleyball equipment. 

Elementary - Gym use is for teams only.

School year only - no summer use. 

Each team may only schedule two practices per week

Available times (M-F): 6:00-7:00PM; 7:30-9:00PM

West Campus - Basketball only, no volleyball equipment. Adjustable basketball goals. 

East Campus - Basketball only, no volleyball equipment. Adjustable basketball goals. 

Early Childhood Center - Gym use is for teams only. 

School year only - no summer use. 

Each team may only schedule two practices per week

Available times (M-F): 6:00-7:00PM; 7:30-9:00PM

Basketball only, no volleyball equipment.